Constitutional Reform

Empowering Belizeans for a Sustainable Future


The Campaign

Advocating for a Constitution that empowers every Belizean and protects our precious marine ecosystems.

Belize is currently undergoing a significant Constitutional Reform Process through the People’s Constitution Commission.  This is a pivotal moment for our nation, and Oceana is committed to ensuring that the voices of all Belizeans are heard and respected. 

We are advocating for an amendment to the Constitution of Belize that would give Belizeans the right to decide on offshore oil exploration and drilling and major coastal development projects through binding national referenda.  This means that every Belizean would have a direct say in the decisions that impact our precious marine ecosystems and way of life.

Why this matters 

Development beyond Economics 

True development is not just about national economics and GDP growth.  It’s about improving the quality of life for every Belizean, ensuring that development benefits all, not just a select few. Our natural resources, particularly our marine ecosystems, are integral to our national identity and our economic well-being.  They provide livelihoods, support tourism and contribute to our unique cultural heritage. A third of the country’s economy is driven by tourism and fisheries.  Belizeans’ lives are inextricably tied to the sea. 

Protecting the Second Largest Barrier Reef System in the World (and the largest in the Western Hemisphere).  

Belize’s marine ecosystems are among the most diverse and vibrant in the world.  They are vital for biodiversity, coastal protection, and the livelihoods of many communities. Protecting these ecosystems from harmful industries is crucial for our sustainable future. 

Empowering Citizens 

Democracy thrives when citizens can actively participate in national decision making. By enshrining the right to decide on major development projects through binding national referenda, we empower every Belizean to have a direct voice in shaping Belize’s future.  This ensures that decisions are made with the collective wisdom and consent of the people, reflecting our shared values and priorities. 

Belize’s Referendum (Amendment) Act, 2023  

In November 2022, Oceana began a petition drive to collect the necessary signatures to trigger a national referendum, following verbal confirmation from the Prime Minister of the government’s intention to conduct seismic testing in Belizean waters without consulting Belizeans first.  

On June 22, 2023, in accordance with Section 2(2) of the Referendum Act, Oceana on behalf of Belizeans, submitted to the Governor General of Belize, Her Excellency Dame Froyla Tzalam, exactly 22,090 signed petitions – more than 3,000 of the required 10% threshold – to trigger a referendum on the right to be consulted before the moratorium on offshore oil and natural gas exploration and petroleum operations is ever lifted.  

A dispute arose between the Government of Belize and Oceana in Belize concerning the proper legal process required to hold a referendum on the matter of a constitutional amendment regarding the moratorium on petroleum exploration in the maritime areas of Belize protected by the Petroleum Operations (Maritime Zone) Moratorium Act (“Moratorium Act”). The Government contended that all Constitutional amendments fall under the purview of the Constitutional review process initiated by the Government of Belize in late 2022.  

Nevertheless, the Government of Belize confirmed that it has no intention of amending or repealing the provisions of the Moratorium Act and that it is committed to respecting the expressed demand from the people of Belize for meaningful consultation on the matter of petroleum exploration in the Maritime Zone protected under the Moratorium Act by way of a referendum. 

Therefore, in November 2023, the Government of Belize passed a new law – the REFERENDUM (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2023, that requires any decision to open Belize’s territorial waters to oil and gas drilling to first be voted on by the Belizean people through a national referendum.  

This victory would not have been possible without the 22,090 signed petitions from Belizean voters to ensure that “people power” is at the center of decisions about the long-term future of the country’s reef, ocean, and the livelihoods its resources sustain. 

Belize is currently undertaking a Constitutional Reform Process 

Oceana is, therefore, currently engaging the People’s Constitutional Reform Commission about the widespread desire of the Belizean public’s right to be consulted on offshore oil and gas activity, as well as major coastal development projects by way of a referendum mechanism.  

The goal is to enshrine in Belize’s Constitution the right for citizens to vote on matters pertaining to offshore oil and gas activities, as well as major coastal development projects, thus ensuring that decisions with far-reaching implications for our livelihoods, environment and economy are subject to the direct will of the people. 

Take Action

What can you do?

Your voice is powerful, and together, we can ensure that our Constitution reflects the will of the people and safeguards our natural heritage for future generations.  

Let Belizean Voices shape Belize’s Future! Join us in advocating for a Constitution that empowers every Belizean and protects our precious marine ecosystems.  

Support the inclusion of binding referenda in the Constitution to give Belizeans the right to decide on oil exploration and drilling and major coastal projects.  

Together, we can build a sustainable and inclusive future for our Belize.