June 17, 2022
Oceana Belize Opens 2022 Ocean Hero Award Nominations
Oceana Belize is pleased to announce nominations are now open for the 2022 Ocean Hero Award. This award recognizes and celebrates individuals who go above and beyond to ensure the protection of our oceans.
The Ocean Hero Awards started back in 2009 as a way for Oceana and by extension, the larger conservation community, to recognize and celebrate the amazing accomplishments of various individuals who have worked in advocacy, ocean conservation and education.
The award is open to individuals throughout Belize with interests in the ocean including:
• Teaching and education
• On-ground conservation, restoration and rehabilitation work
• Project work
• Private or individual research
Nominations of individuals 13 years or older are accepted. Submit nominations at: bit.ly/OceanHero2022
DEADLINE: July 15th, 2022
2021 Ocean Hero Award Recipients